Monday, April 4, 2011

Chapter 6 out Finally!!!!

Phew... wow it took a while for this chapter to come out but it finally has.. man life is so busy XD oh well enjoy this for now haha as long as this lasts

heres the link:

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Carrying along...

Chapter two should be out within ten days.
A lot of stuff has happened since the release of the first chapter.
RIP the first guitar I ever owned, you shall be missed.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

First Release Ever!!!

Welcome everyone, this is the first release for Outlandish Tori Atelier and our debut series is Gekka Bijin. I hope everyone will enjoy the series and we'll continue to scanlate the rest of the series. This is a join project with TLFriend as he is our neighborhood friendly translator and many of you previous Gekka Bijin readers might know him as the guy who scanned it previous. Well i hope you enjoy the series.

Raw Provider: Coverland
Translator: TLFriend
Proofreader: Daeder
Cleaner: Ilchymis
Typesetter: Illchymis
QC: Daeder

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The editor introduces himself.

Hey scrubs.
This is a new scanlation group, but you already know this, It's why you're here. Maybe you did not know it and ended up here purely by chance. Maybe this statement is redundant. It is.
I'm the editor.

So happy new year.

New Group - OTA

Hi everyone to start off the new year we have created a new Scanlation Group known as Outlandish Tori Atelier or appreviated as OTA whatever you guys want.

This group is a 2-man group consisting of co-founders Daeder and ilchymis.
Any questions can be posted in the comments.