Monday, April 4, 2011

Chapter 6 out Finally!!!!

Phew... wow it took a while for this chapter to come out but it finally has.. man life is so busy XD oh well enjoy this for now haha as long as this lasts

heres the link:


  1. D= What you mean as long as it lasts?! Are you planning on stopping? Please no! I love this series dearly and love you for translating it! T_T

  2. haha i mean as long as we keep pumping out chapters..cuz like you know we might eventually run out of steam haha

  3. Awesome! I just stumbled across this series, totally loving it!

  4. yessssssss thank you!

  5. Dammit, I hope you guys don't run out of steam or stop translating >_<

    This is a great series and you've all done a wonderful job so far, I'd like to help but I haven't much of an idea how aside from donating.

    Keep up the great work!

  6. This is the best, funnest manga I've discovered in awhile. Hope y'all keep at it.

  7. Great Job! Hope U can keep goin on this series.

  8. thanks a lot for doing this series! i really really thank you a lot!

  9. Thanks for your hard work on this series.

    I hope we can look forward to a chapter 7 some time. If not hopefully you might be able to pass this excellent series on to someone else.

  10. Are you still working on the series?

  11. Thanks a bunch for the work on this series! I love it to bits.

    Will there be work on the following chapters in the future?

  12. Assuming your not working on this still.
    Do you mind telling me where to get the RAWs? I'm I wouldn't mind working on in between class and work. I do quite enjoy the Main Gal.
